
1. Lensing Simulations Using CatSim, GalSim, and PhoSim
LSST DESC Collaboration Meeting at ANL, Chicago, IL, USA, 10/2015

2. Simulations of Strong Lensing in Galaxy Clusters
DES Chicagoland Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, 09/2015

3. Applications of Simulations of Gravitational lensing
Santa Fe Cosmology Workshops, Santa Fe, NM, USA, 07/2015

4. Mocking Realistic Strongly-lensed Arcs
LSST DESC Collaboration Meeting at SLAC, Menlo Park, CA, USA, 02/2015

5. Simulations of Strong Gravitational Lensing
KICP Postdoc Symposium for 2014 Spring, Chicago, IL, USA, 02/2015

6. Measuring Dark Matter Halo Density Slope with Flexion (will upload soon)
Santa Fe Cosmology Workshops, Santa Fe, NM, USA, 07/2012

7. Effects of Supermassive Binary Blackholes on Gravitational Lenses (will upload soon)
The 9th Sino-German Workshop on Galaxy Formation and Cosmology, HangZou, China, 06/2011


1. "Cusp-Core Problem and Strong Gravitational Lensing", Li, Nan; Chen, Da-Ming, 2009, RAA, Vol. 9, No. 11, 1173--1184

2. "Effects of Supermassive Binary Blackholes on Gravitational Lenses", Li, Nan; Mao, Shude; Gao, Liang; Loeb, Abraham and di Stefano, R., 2012, MNRAS, Vol. 419, 2424--2432

3. "Measuring the Mass-to-light Ratio of Galaxies with Weak Lensing", Li, Nan; Li, Ran; Er, Xinzhong, 2013, RAA, Vol. 13, No. 9, 1041--1051

4. "PICS: Simulations of Strong Gravitational Lensing in Galaxy Clusters", Li, Nan; Gladders, Michael D.; Rangel, Esteban M.; Florian, Michael K.; Bleem, Lindsey E.; Heitmann, Katrin; Habib, Salman; Fasel, Patricia, submitted to APJ, arXiv: astro-ph/1511.03673

5. "The Gini Coefficient as a Morphological Measurement of Strongly Lensed Galaxies in the Image Plane", Florian, Michael K.; Li, Nan; Gladders, Michael D., submitted to APJ, arXiv: astro-ph/1511.03617

6. "The Gini Coefficient as a Tool for Image Family Identification in Strong Lensing Systems with Multiple Images", Florian, Michael K.; Gladders, Michael D.; Li, Nan; Sharon, Keren, submitted to APJL, arXiv: astro-ph/1511.03594

7. "Parallel DTFE Surface Density Field Reconstruction", Rangel, Esteban; Li, Nan; Habib, Salman; Peterka, Tom; Agrawal, Ankit; Liao, Wei-keng; Choudhary, Alok, submitted to 30th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium.

8. "Self-adaptive Density Estimation of Particle Data", Peterak, Tom; Croubois, Hadrien; Li, Nan; Rangel, Esteban; Cappello Franck, accepted for publication in SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing.

9. "Galaxy-galaxy Weak Lensing Measurement from SDSS: (I) Image Processing", Luo, Wentao; Yang, Xiaohu; Zhang, Jun; Tweed, Dylan; Fu, Liping; Mo, H.J.; van den Bosch, Frank C.; Shu, Chenggang; Li, Ran; Li, Nan; Liu, Xiangkun; Pan, Chuzhong; Wang, Yiran; Radovich, Mario, in preparation.

10. "Large-Scale Simulations of Sky Surveys", Heitmann, K.; Habib, S.; Finkel, H.; Frontiere, N.; Pope, A.; Morozov, V.; Rangel, S.; Kovacs, E.; Kwan, J.; Li, N.; Rizzi, S.; Insley, J.; Vishwanath, V.; Peterka, T.; Daniel, D.; Fasel, P.; Zagaris, G., Computing in Science & Eng., vol. 16, no. 5, pp.14--23 2014.